Integral PsychoTherapy


Integral Therapy: Regression Therapy and Past-life Training Courses

REGRESSION-THERAPY is accredited by independent certifying bodies: The International Board of Regression Therapy (IBRT), and the European Association of Regression Therapy (EARTh) which has professional members from the leading past life training schools across Europe. This is a flexible training programme, including lectures, demonstrations, experiential exercises, pair work, supervision, reading and writing.  You build the trainings according to the modules you would like to attend.

Ideally students will be qualified in Psychotherapy, Counselling, Hypnotherapy or Psychiatry. Individual assessment is available.  The courses are offered in intensive 4 day workshops.  There is an emphasis on putting theory into practice with many practice sessions with fellow trainees.

EARTh Regression Therapy Trainers
The trainers are experts in regression therapy and will have worked with a minimum of 200 clients or 400 hours using regression therapy. They have developed training skills so that they are at ease in front of a group, present information in a structured way, and are able to handle problem situations.  They will have contributed to Regression Therapy in some way by giving talks, writing articles, books, conducting research or similar activities. Carolyn Clark is a founding member Of EARTh and one of their recognised trainers.

Regression Therapy Training Certification

Regression Therapy Training Cerificate : £350
This covers the core skills that a student must have to practice regression therapy with clients professionally. The pre training requirement is a qualification in some other therapy or profession. A minimum of 50 hours of training will be required in at least one of the following; psychotherapy, psychology, hypnotherapy, psychiatry, medicine, body work, or another qualified healing technique.

The content of the core training includes:

Conducting a regression therapy client interview
Regressing a client to the source of their problem
Therapeutic skills to explore current life memories: bridging techniques, including 'past lives'
Working through a client's blocks to health which will release and transform mental,
Emotional and physical conditions which may have been causing problems for many lifetimes
Integration of a regression session into the client's present life
Development and use of intuition and awareness of a client's energy field
Skills to restore balance in the energy field
Knowledge of basic psychopathology on contra-indicators for regression therapy     

Regression Therapy Training: DIPLOMA IN REGRESSION THERAPY
On the successful completion of the Regression Therapy training program a Diploma in Regression Therapy (Dip RT) is awarded. This enables the graduate to obtain insurance and work professionally with clients as a Regression Therapist. They will also be referred clients from the Regression-therapy website and can join the European Association of Regression Therapy (EARTh) as a professional Regression Therapist. In addition they can join the General Hypnosis Register as a practitioner, and if they complete all the components, will be a certified counsellor.

The Diploma is awarded on the skills and knowledge the student has on Regression Therapy. Skill assessment will be both informal and formal from observation during pair work. The full requirements are:

Attending all workshops and all the assignments required
A minimum of 10 practice pair sessions with fellow students written up in Report Format, and recorded.
Complete the extensive required reading assignment
To connect with their Higher Selves and complete a 3,000 word self-assessment based on their practice development
Supervision and personal and practice development must be demonstrated through the assignments
A written summary of the sessions with 5 clients using Integral and Regression techniques
Completion of 150 hours of supervised counselling work
Completion of 15 hours individual supervision

The requirements to become a Regression Therapist:

Completed a minimum of 300 hrs of regression therapy training including a minimum of 160 hrs (20days) therapeutic tutor faced training and the remainder as supervised practice and theory training. Journal of personal issues showing how regression therapy has been helpful. Have demonstrated their competence through a practical evaluation. Follow the training school code of ethics.
International Board of Regression Therapy (IBRT) Certification

Graduates are provided with additional training for their ongoing professional development to enable them to become an IBRT Certified level 2 (or level 4 if they have a relevant degree) Regression Therapist. Graduates will have the opportunity to select from a wide range of advanced modules from other EARTh trainers or recognised trainers. These modules are expected to be more in-depth than the core training and cover a wide variety of subjects.

The requirements are:

Worked with at least 40 clients using Regression therapy
Completed a total of 250 hours (30days) of therapeutic tutor faced regression therapy training
Supply a recording from one client regression session in English or an approved language, with transcript
A letter of reference from their Regression Therapy trainer and another professional therapist
Complete a written exam paper
Abide by the IBRT code of ethics




50 hour trainings are held in Edinburgh or in Greece on various islands: Tinos, Evia, Aegina or Aggistri

One-Day HYPNOSIS Experiential 8 Hours in Edinburgh: How does it feel to be hypnotized?  Would you like to learn how to do this? Is hypnosis for you?

For bookings of 5 people and more a £10 reduction per person is applicable.

I also offer a variety of life enhancing courses that enable you to have a relaxing and spiritual long weekend in beautiful locations around the EU.

Check dates and availability ---->

carolyn clark

tree of life
integral therapy

Carolyn Clark (M.Sc, M. Ed., B. Sc., IBRT, NSPH, Cert.astro.lS)
Integral psychotherapy Past-life Therapy at Astrology Couple counselling Meet your Angels at Hypnosis at hypnofix .com    
counselling counselling "The transformations are life altering, and the help given can be deeply healing at a soul level." counselling

Why past life therapy?

In order to be fully aware of why we are the way we are today, and what our main lessons are in life, we are able to journey through time to connect in a real way with our past whether it was incidents in our childhoods or from past lives.

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