Integral PsychoTherapy


Integral Therapy Hypnosis Training Courses

Level I Hypnosis training:open to everyone. £250

24 hours training plus preparatory workbook of 20 hours
Historical Overview of hypnosis
Nature of Hypnosis & Ethical Issues
How to form Effective Suggestions
Addressing the Misconceptions
How to conduct an Intake Interview
Establishing Realistic Goals
Induction & Deepening Techniques
The Importance of Rapport
Suggestibility Tests, Awakening
Post-hypnotic Cue, Somnambulism   

Level I Training in Hypnotherapy has been Assessed and Validated at Introductory Level by theGeneral Hypnotherapy Standards Council (UK)

Hypnosis - Intermediate: prerequisite level I £250

Level II Training 24 hours training plus preparatory workbook 10 hours
Measuring Hypnotic Depth
Ideomotor Methods
Analysis techniques
Addiction and Habit Control
How to Teach Self-Hypnosis
Formation of Metaphor
Using Resistance
Inner Child work & Children
Directive vs. Permissive Styles
Ericksonian Techniques
Stress Reduction Strategies
Weight Reduction Hypnosis - Advanced

Hypnosis -Advanced - Level III : prerequisite level II training £300

40 hours plus examination and practical evaluation 20 hours
Regression Techniques and Practicum
The Affect Bridge demonstrated through different modes
Looking for Underlying Issues & going deeper
Advanced Induction Methods:
NLP Overview, Pacing & Leading
Using physical Cues, Establishing and Collapsing Anchors
Producing Analgesia, Anesthesia
Hypnosis in Emergency
Post-Hypnotic Amnesia
Transpersonal Hypnosis Introduction  & Shamanism

Completion of Level III will have introduced Counselling techniques and be eligible for Psychotherapy certification (In progress)

Training in Psychological Hypnotherapy : prerequisite: level III £350
Required Reading: “Trancework: an introduction to the practice of Clinical Hypnosis, by M. Yapko.

50 hours

Transpersonal Hypnosis
Interviewing Techniques
Diagnostic Criteria & Applicability
Ethical Counselling Eating Disorders
Anxiety & Depression
Childhood Traumas
ADHD and Hyperactivity
Regression Techniques
Bridging Techniques
Dealing with Families
Group Sessions for Stress Reduction
Ethics in Family Counselling
NLP techniques applied to specific problems such as depression  & Anxiety
Using Hypnosis in the Educational Setting
Encouraging Creativity



50 hour trainings are held in Edinburgh or in Greece on various islands: Tinos, Evia, Aegina or Aggistri

One-Day HYPNOSIS Experiential 8 Hours in Edinburgh: How does it feel to be hypnotized?  Would you like to learn how to do this? Is hypnosis for you?

For bookings of 5 people and more a £10 reduction per person is applicable.

I also offer a variety of life enhancing courses that enable you to have a relaxing and spiritual long weekend in beautiful locations around the EU.

Check dates and availability ---->

carolyn clark

tree of life
integral therapy

Carolyn Clark (M.Sc, M. Ed., B. Sc., IBRT, NSPH, Cert.astro.lS)
Integral psychotherapy Past-life Therapy at Astrology Couple counselling Meet your Angels at Hypnosis at hypnofix .com    
counselling counselling "The transformations are life altering, and the help given can be deeply healing at a soul level." counselling

Will you be able to hypnotize me?

Most people can be hypnotized.

How will finding my angles help me?

A concept of a higher power on your side is a very potent aid in recovery.

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