Integral PsycoTherapy


Integral Therapy Training Couses

Integral pshycotherapy uses the total mind body system to harmonise the working of your mind and body. It brings together notions of self and soul from around the world. East meets West. Rather than doing many course to get the right mix of experience and knowledge, we offer focused Itegral therapy specific training.

This training includes certification in psychotherapy, hypnosis and regression therapy as well as using advanced transpersonal interventions.

Courses are pending British association of Counselling Pshycotherapy accreditation and recognition.

Couses take part in different venues throught the UK and Europe. Locations include Edinburgh and Greek islands for those of you who like a bit of a holiday as well as some training!

Level 1 to Level 4 certificate in Integral PshycoTherapy

  • You will learn how to utilize spiritual dimensions in conventional psychotherapy
  • You will be trained in how to uncover the core problems which talk therapists do not know about or are aware of
  • You will be able to offer immediate relief for phobic, addicts, and mild depressives
  • You will be able to cure asthma
  • You will be able to offer assistance to anyone willing to connect to their Higher Self
  • You will develop your own spiritual team of assistants and develop your intuition to a very competent level
  • You will trust yourself and your capacity to heal as you will have developed the skills required for successful Integral Psychotherapy
  • You will understand your own past lives and how they contribute to your present situation and will have resolved many personal issues
  • You will practice with integrity

Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Spirit Releasement

  • Diagnose attachment, possession and dark energies
  • You will be familiar and be able to help others through the unknown parts of the mind.

LEVEL I Certificate level £300

Interviewing Techniques
Diagnostic Criteria & Applicability
Ethical Counselling
Understanding the way the mind works
Suggestion Formation
Methods of delivery
Counselling for Psychosomatic Problems
Using open questions/closed questions
Counselling Skills (encourager, paraphrase, reflections of meelings and meanings, summarization)
Influencing skills (Advice/information, self-disclosure, interpretation, logical consequences, directives)
Focussing and Confrontation skills
Issues of meaning, culture, relationship
Developing empathy


Psychodynamic Counselling and Jungian, Adlerian therapy, influences from Fromm, Horney, Reich, Eric Berne & TA, Lowen Bioenergetics, Perls Gestalt therapy.  Contemporary developments in Attachment research and understanding.
Behavioural therapy (Skinner, Modelling, positive reinforcement, Charting, Relapse prevention,generalization)
Existential Humanistic Tradidtion in Counselling (Rogers, Perls, Frankl, Yapko)
Systems Theories and methods

LEVEL III  Specialisations

Eating Disorders
Anxiety & Depression
Childhood Traumas
ADHD and Hyperactivity
Regression Techniques
Bridging Techniques
Dealing with Families
Group Sessions for Stress Reduction
Ethics in Family Counselling
NLP techniques applied to specific problems such as depression  & Anxiety
Using Hypnosis in the Educational Setting
Encouraging Creativity


Transpersonal Interventions
Developing Intuition
Integrating Theory and Practice
Conducting research
Kinesthetic measurement

For bookings of 5 people and more a £10 reduction per person is applicable.

Check dates and availability ---->

carolyn clark

tree of life
integral therapy

Carolyn Clark (M.Sc., M.Ed., B.Sc., IBRT, NSPH, Cert.Astrol.S)
Integral psychotherapy Past-life Therapy at Astrology Couple counselling Meet your Angels at Hypnosis at hypnofix .com 2  
counselling counselling "The transformations are life altering, and the help given can be deeply healing at a soul level." counselling

Why past life therapy?

In order to be fully aware of why we are the way we are today, and what our main lessons are in life, we are able to journey through time to connect in a real way with our past whether it was incidents in our childhoods or from past lives.

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